Friday, April 15, 2016

National Library Week

Happy National Library Week from the Mahomet-Seymour Junior High Library!  We haven't been able to celebrate, though, because the school is going through its first week of standardized state testing.  Next week will be week two of that and then one week of make-up tests.  So, during this most important week, I haven't seen lots of library traffic, but I have been able to do a lot of cataloging and processing of new books, which is always fun.  Let's awkwardly transition now to how much I love my job.

On Monday evening, a friend of mine posted a question on Facebook: "If you could do any other work...what would it be?  We are talking DREAM JOB."  I thought about this for several minutes, going over and over in my head what else I could possibly be doing that would give me as much satisfaction, joy, pep in my step in the morning, and contentment.

The answer was...NOTHING.

This is it.  Being a school librarian/media specialist IS my Dream Job, and I thank my friend, Erin, for helping me realize this.  This job might not be a lofty or exciting goal for many, but for me, this.  is.  it.

Sure.  This job isn't perfect.  There are times when I'm stressed out, when I worry about how I'll be able to complete my yearly evaluations when being outside of a traditional classroom, and there are always students who try to challenge me and defy my authority as a teacher/adult.  The things I love about this job, however, heavily outweigh the bads.

For example, I get to...

  • collaborate with teachers in all different subject areas.  And, when I'm really lucky, they let me come into their classroom to teach.
  • talk to students about books they would like to have in the library and then see their faces light up when they find that book they requested on the new book shelves.  "What!?!  You ACTUALLY bought this??  I didn't think you would.  THANK YOU!"
  • research new topics I don't know a lot about when helping finding print and web resources for teachers' major projects.
  • provide a safe space for students when they just need to get out of the classroom and catch their breath for a minute or two.
  • host monthly trivia tournaments during lunchtime.
  • be an advocate for students' voices and needs, especially the kids in the super awesome special education classroom that is housed within the library.  
  • spend money that isn't my own!  ;)
  • come to work everyday with a smile on my face, ready to help serve, collaborate with, and laugh with colleagues, administration, and students.
So, if you're ever on my Facebook or Instagram feeds and you see that super corny, and sometimes used in jest hashtag, "living the dream," know that I REALLY AM.  I am living my dream*.

This is me SUPER HAPPY after the first Lunchtime Trivia the library hosted back in December.  It was epic and one of my favorite far.

*Which is only possible because my awesome husband supported me while I quit a full-time job to get the Master's Degree in Library & Information Science that I needed.