Wednesday, January 14, 2015

New Year, New Displays

After a sluggish start to the New Year I finally got up two new displays this week.

Our January Author Spotlight is on Isaac Asimov...& Friends!  I found out a few interesting facts about Asimov in my research:
  • His date of birth could be anywhere from October 4, 1919-January 2, 1920.  He chose to celebrate his birthday on January 2, hence the Author Spotlight status for this month.
  • He died from complications from AIDS.  He contracted HIV from a blood transfusion, but his doctors advised his family not to publicize this at the time of his passing in 1992, since there was still extreme prejudice about AIDS at the time.
  • Amy suggested making the display "& Friends," which is perfect, since Asimov is considered one of the "Big Three" of hard science fiction (sci-fi that is steeped in scientific accuracy).  The others of the Big Three are Arthur C. Clarke and Robert A. Heinlein.

I finally took down our trilogies display.  I was sad to see it go.  I replaced it with a display called By the Numbers.  When I was weeding the fiction collection way back in August, I noticed how many books we had with numbers in the title.  It's been in the back of my mind to do a numbers display since then, and I thought now was as good a time as any.  In addition to YA fiction titles, I also pulled a couple of graphic novels and Shakespeare plays (only three of them, even though there could be more).  Most genres are represented as well: realistic fiction, sci-fi, classics, historical, mystery.  I think this display is very well rounded.

Finally, I updated our Let's Go to the Movies display sign.  This month I re-introduced some titles from November and January that are still in theaters.  In lieu of the recently aired Golden Globes, I also indicated which titles were nominated or won. 

This is just practice for the BIG SHOW at the end of February...the Oscars!  I don't know quite yet what that display will be, but I'm excited to start thinking about it!

I can't wait to see what other displays come to my mind in 2015.  If you're interested in them as well, keep checking back! 

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