Thursday, November 20, 2014

Just a Regular Day

It's just a regular old day here at the Uni Library, and a day in which I get some more awesome practice at being a future librarian.

The Subbie (grades 7/8 combined) Group is doing a project on Banned Books before the semester is over, and a student came in today needing some help on finding information on Bret Easton Ellis' American Psycho.

So, I got to spend the morning talking with her about American Psycho, looking up primary source documents on the furor that American Psycho caused, and helping her navigate online books and request articles from campus storage.  So, all in all, just an awesome morning.  I even got to exercise biting my tongue as to why a 13-year-old shouldn't be reading that violent, drug- and sex-induced satire.  Yay me!  On that note...

As a librarian I am all for not banning books, freedom of speech, and freedom of access, but if my kid wanted to read American Psycho at 13, we would have a discussion about appropriate book selection for one's maturity level.  Part of the project the Subbie Group is doing is completing research BEFORE they read the book as to why it's been banned, and then they have to present a convincing proposal to their parents as to why they should be able to read it.  Before the student gets cleared to read the book, they must present a signed copy of the letter from their parents saying it's fine for them to it.  This is ingenious, and I wish I would have thought of this as a former teacher.  I would like to read this student's letter about American Psycho, because she really, REALLY wants to read it.

In my research this morning I was also reminded of the London musical adaptation of the book starring Whoniverse's Matt Smith, which has a score by 90s one hit wonder, Duncan Sheik.  I have to get my hands on that recording.

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