Thursday, March 12, 2015

Book List Spotlight: NPR

I love trolling for book lists on the internet.  I usually do this for book displays and book talks...and because I'm a glutton for finding more books that I'll NEVER have the time to read.  Maybe if I stopped daydreaming about all the books I want to read and actually read them...but that's for another time.  Anyhoo...I found three stellar lists today, all via your good friend and mine, N.  P.  R.

They Came, They Saw, They Cooked: Five Food Memoirs memoirs.  My weakness.  After recently viewing Spinning Plates (which is amazing, and I highly recommend it), a documentary about three VERY different restaurants in the US, I really want to read Grant Achatz's memoir, Life, On the Line (there IS a double meaning there, if you can't see it yourself after reading this quick blurb).  He created a 3 Star Michelin restaurant in Chicago and then got diagnosed with Stage 4 Tongue Cancer, and doctors said the only way to save his life was to cut out his tongue.  A chef.  Cutting.  Out.  His.  Tongue.  Could he find another option for survival?  Read his memoir to find out.  The other memoirs look awesome, too. 

Your Picks: Top 100 Science-Fiction, Fantasy Books

This one will cause me the most problems for my Want to Read List.  I've only read 16 of these...SIX.  TEEN.  Ridiculous I say!  I gotta get my hands on some of these ASAP.  So much Neil Gaiman.  Have to read more.  I've only read his picture books and YA stuff.  NEED to read Stardust.  And, I've never read 1984.  Never!  I don't know about Lord of the Rings, though.  I've never envisioned myself reading those, but they are #1. 

Your Favorites: 100 Best-Ever Teen Novels

Oh, I have thoughts about this list.  LOTS of them.  Like John Green having TWO in the Top 10?  He's so new!  We don't know if those will stand the test of time!  I should get over it, but still...I have only read 24 of these, which is even more shocking than the Sci-Fi List.  I thought for sure I would've read half of them, but there is a lot of repeat authors (Ursula K. LeGuin, Tamora Pierce, John Green) and new authors that I haven't read (ok, I've read ONE John Green, and it WASN'T The Fault in Our Stars).  I was pleasantly surprised to find that Francesca Lia Block's Weetzie Bat series, Dangerous Angels, made the cut.  About a group of misfits who find each other and make a family together in HollywoodLand, these beautifully lyrical stories weren't around when I was young, but I would have been crazy about them if they had been. 

Anyway, those are my lists for the day.  Very fun, full of excellent reads, and there's something for everyone.  Hope YOU have time to check a few of them out!

1 comment:

  1. So many new books to read now. Thanks for posting those lists.
